» Euweb.it

11 Dicembre 2024 - 00:29

Maturer for the handcrafted cold cuts and cheeses. We trasform normal refrigerators on the
market adding:
1)  A heating temperature probe, it works by the switching of lamps set at the inner base of the refrigerator.
2) A probe for humidity to control the emission from cold cuts and from cheeses. The humidity can be regulated for de-condensation, changing the air through an estraction rotor.
3) A temperature probe for measurements in the cooling phase. It works through the normal refrigeration function. In this case, huumidity is regulated for air condensation, inverting tha functions of the air extraction and managing to reach even the 100% for cheese ageing.
4) A timer for the timing of inner ventilation, which will be higher in the stewing and drying phase and very low in the aging phase.
The machine works elettronically, whit a four display controller for the simultaneous visualization of all the functions.
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